Our calculators.
Employed and retired applicants
Affordability calculator.
Using our affordability calculator you’ll be able to input details of your clients’ income and expenditure, and get an indication of whether they’ll be able to borrow the amount required.
Buy to let
Rental cover calculator.
Using our rental cover calculator you can either calculate the monthly rent which will required to support a BTL loan, or use the existing rent payments to give an indication of the available loan amount.
Our calculators can help you get a better idea of your clients’ potential to borrow the amount they need, but should not be used as decision makers nor can they tell you definitively whether your client can afford a mortgage or not.
Our Products
Mortgages for real life.
There’s more to a mortgage than a number on a page, and we know one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why our products are designed with your clients in mind and our decisions are made by experts, not computers.
How to do business with us.
Ready to get started? We’re here to help.
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We have conversations, not algorithms.
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Call 0330 123 1073
From our blog
What’s new.
Our blog contains the latest goings-on and updates across the Society, so here’s where you can check out our latest product updates, mortgage news, insights and more.
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Base rate and our SVR
Expat Holiday Let – Rates Down. Max Loans Up
All our mortgage offers are now valid for 6 months
We’re kicking off July with a focus on large loans
We’ve been nurturing later life lending for years…
Smoking Hot Resi News – rate reductions