Payment difficulties.

For existing borrower clients
We’re here to help.
You may be contacted by existing borrower clients concerned about meeting their mortgage repayments. We have an experienced support team on hand to help, and may be able to offer a range of potential options.
Your client should contact us directly as soon as possible so we can do our best to help. Our customer helpline number is 0330 123 0773 or they can email [email protected].
Further information for borrowers facing mortgage payment difficulties can be found on our consumer website, and supplied to your client.

Information for existing borrower clients
Client info: problems repaying your mortgage
We have information on our consumer website which may be useful for your client to read. Please supply them with this link and ask them to contact us as soon as possible.

Information for existing borrower clients
Client info: general guidance on repaying credit commitments
Here is a further article on our consumer website which may be useful for your client to read, which addresses potential difficulties paying credit commitments in general.