New Year: new lending criteria

Written by Ipswich Building Society

6 Jan 2021


Expat, Lending Criteria, Self build

2 min read

We are pleased to announce we have made some exciting changes to our lending criteria, which will have a positive impact across all areas of the business. Throughout January we will be kicking the new year off by taking you through the key changes we have made.

These areas include:

  • General changes
  • Affordability (week commencing 11th)
  • Self- Build (week commencing 18th)
  • Expat (week commencing 25th)

General criteria changes for 2021

  • We will now accept properties with annexes (including detached) up to a maximum 75% LTV.
  • Allow flats above high-quality commercial premises, this excludes food take away outlets, pubs and petrol stations. These will be on a referral basis so please have the property details and contact your BDM or our helpdesk.
  • We have streamlined our requirements for applicants who are currently renting, removing the need for landlords’ references.
  • We have increased our maximum LTV to 70% (previously 50%) where the repayment vehicle is an additional property owned by the applicants – such as a BTL or a 2nd

If you wish to discuss a case or have any further questions regarding our criteria changes, please get in touch on our intermediary line on 0330 123 1073.

We look forward to working with you throughout 2021.

This article was published under our previous name of Ipswich Building Society. We changed our name in 2021 – get in touch if you have any questions.

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