We’re able to help borrowers in all sorts of circumstances, no matter how seemingly complex or unusual.
Through our expert, manual underwriting we can look at the full details of a case, taking all aspects into account before making an informed decision. That’s why we’ve been able to say YES to two similar cases recently.
Here’s the details of one case:
- A couple wish to buy their first home together, which is a new build property and won’t be ready for several months
- Both already own their own homes
- They are seeking a let to buy on one home, raising capital towards the purchase of their first home together
- They are living in the remaining home together, until their new build is ready
Even if they have yet to find a new home, we can consider it, typically needing details of the types of properties and area that they are looking to buy in.
Another thing to remember – if they are buying a new build we can help them with their new mortgage, offering up to 95%. LTV on new builds as standard.
If you have clients in similar circumstances, or want to know more about what we can offer, get in touch.